This AI service segments, i.e., marks and classifies concrete damage in images. The damage classes that can be recognized are spalling with and without corroded reinforcement bars, honeycomb with and without corroded reinforcement bars, corrosion, and cracks. The results of this AI service are necessary to accurately localize damage images and damage information into a BIM model.


  •     Quality: high
  •     Input data format:
    •         JPG or PNG
  •     Training data available:
    •         Yes, a concrete damage dataset was created by RUB. The labels included are cracks, spalling, corrosion, and honeycomb.
  •     Output data format:
    •         JPG or PNG
    •         JSON

Contact Person:
Firdes Celik, M. Sc., Lehrstuhl für Informatik im Bauwesen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum